"Rise in the presence of older people and honour them. Fear your God; I am the Lord."
Leviticus 19:32
Emmanuel Church is blessed by our older members. Our church is like a family and, like a family, we value both those who are younger and older.
A place for friendship
Meaningful relationships are important at every age. Whether over morning tea, Growth Groups, or serving alongside others; Emmanuel Church is a great place for connecting with others.
A place for faith
For many retirees, these years present an opportunity to connect or re-connect with the Christian faith. Whether you've been a Christian for many years and are looking for a local church that loves the Lord, or if you're exploring the claims of Christ for the first time; you are welcome at Emmanuel Anglican Church.
All our services feature prayer, readings from Scripture, hymns and songs, Bible teaching and fellowship.
8.30am and 10.30am Services
Our 8.30am and 10.30am services are a place for those from every generation; whether six years old or sixty years old. Combining modern and traditional elements these services are joyful and gospel centred.
Emmanuel Church enjoys close partnerships with a number of retirement villages (independent living) and local residential aged-care facilities. These partnerships include Bible Studies, Chapel services, visitation, and occasional services such as Christmas and Easter celebrations.
Emmanuel Church and Anglicare work together to serve the residents of Glenhaven Green. Our Assistant Minister (Nikki Cargill) serves as Village Chaplain. She is supported by our Senior Minister (Hayden Smith), Senior Assistant Minister (Michael Robinson), and a team of volunteers in meeting the spiritual and social needs of the residents.
To find out more about Chaplaincy Services or the partnership between Emmanuel Church and Glenhaven Green click below or contact the Church Office
(8850 1311)
If you have recently moved to Glenhaven and the Hills, we'd love to meet you and to hear a little more of your story. All of our Ministers love a cup of tea and a chat. If you would like to speak with one of our Ministers please use the button below or call the church office (8850 1311).
Our older members have a part to play in serving others. And getting involved in ministry is a great way to get to know others. Whether in children's ministry, music ministry, gardening, Scripture teaching, leading Bible Studies, or on Parish Council, there's a role for everyone. Click the button below to speak with a Minister about how you can get involved.